Is the Asus Xonar AE as good as I thought it was? The ...

供應中評分3.8(350)主要亮點·緊湊的音頻解決方案,帶來令人難以置信的聲音·使用SonicStudio完全控制您的音訊·令人難以置信的輸入噪音降低,聲音完美·從小巧便攜的設備享受強大的音頻 ...,XonarAEdelivers7.1-channel,192kHz/24-bitHi-Resaudiooutputwithahigh110dBsig...。參考影片的文章的如下:


ASUS 華碩Sound Card Xonar U5 : 電子

供應中 評分 3.8 (350) 主要亮點 · 緊湊的音頻解決方案,帶來令人難以置信的聲音 · 使用Sonic Studio 完全控制您的音訊 · 令人難以置信的輸入噪音降低,聲音完美 · 從小巧便攜的設備享受強大的音頻 ...

Sound Cards

Xonar AE delivers 7.1-channel, 192kHz/24-bit Hi-Res audio output with a high 110dB signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and comes with a built-in 150ohm headphone ...


7.1 PCIe gaming sound card with 192kHz/24-bit Hi-Res audio quality, 150ohm headphone amp, high-quality DAC, and exclusive EMI back plate.

PCIe|Sound Cards|ASUS Global

7.1 PCIe gaming sound card with 192kHz/24-bit Hi-Res audio quality, 150ohm headphone amp, high-quality DAC, and exclusive EMI back plate. Xonar SE · Strix raid dlx · Strix soar · Xonar AE


Hi-Fi Xonar AE is a PCIe gaming sound card built with high-quality components to satisfy gamers who demand exceptional sound for the best gaming and multimedia ...

USB|Sound Cards|ASUS Global

Compact 5.1-channel USB sound card and headphone amplifier with 192kHz/24-bit HD sound and Sonic Studio suite

Online Availability

具備192kHz/24位元高清晰音質的7.1 PCIe電競音效卡,150ohm耳機擴大器、高品質DAC以及專屬EMI背板. 了解更多 · Xonar U5. 0.0. (0). 0.0 out of 5 stars.

Xonar SE|Sound Cards|ASUS Global

Xonar SE delivers 5.1-channel, 192kHz/24-bit hi-res audio output with a high 116dB signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and comes with a built-in 300ohm headphone ... Tech Specs · Review · Xonar SE · Zvučne kartice

Gaming|Sound Cards|ASUS Global

Xonar AE is a PCIe gaming sound card built with high-quality components to satisfy gamers who demand exceptional sound for the best gaming and multimedia ...

ASUS Sound Cards

Enhance your audio experience with an ASUS sound card, which is built for gaming to video editing and mono to surround sound to match your needs.


供應中評分3.8(350)主要亮點·緊湊的音頻解決方案,帶來令人難以置信的聲音·使用SonicStudio完全控制您的音訊·令人難以置信的輸入噪音降低,聲音完美·從小巧便攜的設備享受強大的音頻 ...,XonarAEdelivers7.1-channel,192kHz/24-bitHi-Resaudiooutputwithahigh110dBsignal-to-noiseratio(SNR),andcomeswithabuilt-in150ohmheadphone ...,7.1PCIegamingsoundcardwith192kHz/24-bitHi-Resaudioquality,150ohmheadphoneamp,high-qual...